Videocon D2H- Intallation and Tuning FTA Channels-c band&ku band(for new updation)

Use Free Videocon D2H SatlitteBox 1011 Receiver-
(How To use Videocorn Stb As free To air Mpeg4/s2 Dvbs2 Settop box?)
After reading technical Review of Videocon d2h Review By we are sharing a guide to watch FTA Channels on Videocon D2H. The TRAI regulations under which the dth licenses requires that the STB be of open standards and should not be blocked and be allowed to view the services of any other operator or services of Doordarshan after the end of subscription period, Unless it is given under a rental scheme or the customer has moneys due to the operator, We know from experience that none of the other operators actually follow this rule and do everything possible to stop the customer from viewing anything , by blocking the STBs, Let us see if D2H is any better in this regard.

D2H gives you proper bill for your STB on purchase, I was surprised to see the box actually working without inserting the card, It asks for the card only when it finds a scrambled channel , So decided to connect it to my DD-Direct+ dish and gave it a go, All i needed was to go to the Box settings-satellite management menu and add a satellite, It was pretty easy, Just click the Add satellite button and this screen comes up

Press the green button to Edit the satellite name

Make sure to click the accept button and press ok , A new satellite was created. Now we have to add the Tps for that satellite and do a scan,

Here are the results, It actually does a network scan and finds all Tps, even though you scanned only one TP

Click yes here and the box adds all of them to menu, Mostly channel numbers from 1-99 and 1000-

However you need to some mathematics for adding c-band channels , The box has no autoscan feature, Also selecting the lnb type as c-band, makes no difference, The box is not designed to scan the c-band IF range or it has some software bug, stopping it from scanning c-band Tps

So the old tried and tested method, needs to be used , Let us say we want to add Luxe-tv from Asiasat-5 , one of my favorite channels,

Well the frequencies to add is
TP – 4000
SR – 28125

Adding these values after selecting the LNB type as c-band wont bring any signal, But do this if you want to add this channel

First subtract the TP frequency from 5150, I.E the lo frequency of c-band, you get

5150 -4000 = 1150

Now add this value to 9750, ie 9750 + 1150 = 10900

Now select LNB type as universal and add this value as TP frequency, Just that since the box fails to do high side injection for c-band and find IF values, we do it manually and tell it how to find the IF
now, scan the TP, note that there is no need to change SR and FEC values, they are same

So that gives you the signal and scanning it gives you the channel

Here is a screenshot from Asiasat c-band,

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